Thursday, August 26, 2010

Welcome to our Blog!

Hey friends and family! Welcome to our blog :)

After years of updating some other social network (myspace or facebook), we have finally decided to start a family blog. Mainly because we've come to find that I (Allie) spend way too much time looking at other people's pages and lives (I'm interested!) and with status updates.... I'm constantly logging on!

Now that we have a baby, I should really do more with my free time. I do know that our close family and friends like to see updated pictures of our boy, Ethan, and so we thought that by starting our own blog, I could still update pictures but not get sucked into the lives of everyone else on Facebook in my black hole of friends/acquaintances.

Don't get me wrong, I love you all... but you know what it's like when you've spent a few minutes, then a few more minutes, then an hour doing something that you thought would only take you a few seconds to begin with? You start to get the felling like you've just wasted time... and time is something that I am not looking to waste these days ;)

So, we'll try this out and hopefully we can still be "social" but not excessive! Honestly I think eliminating status updates alone will be super beneficial! We'd love to hear from you all!!

Here's a picture of Ethan in a hat that my friend Diana made for him.
(Thanks Diana!!)

He's rolling over on his changing table now...