Saturday, May 18, 2013

Spring Fever

Spring. We gotta thiiing... goin' on!

How can I explain it?...

You know the type of person at a party when you look their way for a split second too long and because of your "lingering gaze" they're encouraged to walk on over and strike up a conversation with you... for better or worse?

That's me... and Spring.

Once the sun makes long enough contact with my skin on the day it's close enough to the earth that it feels... warm, nourishing, and glorious!... that's the day I go to Green Acres and buy flowers. Spring Flowers. 

I had Spring Fever!

Don't get me wrong, I'm a fan of winter... I'm a fan of white Christmases! But once we ring in the New Year, I'm ready for the sun again. If it were up to me, the weather would start to get slightly chilly in October (no more 90-100 degree days!) and progressively get colder until New Years.

But like I said, once I kiss my Hubs at midnight... I'm ready for a 70 degree day on January 1st.

Dare to dream.

Dare to dream in color and... sunshine ;)


Sooo I just spent the last half hour writing cute and clever stories and captions to the following photos.
But, since blogger deleted them all, you have been spared my rambling.

I'll make it quick and painless:


This year, Ethan got it! He understands that Jesus died on the cross, rose again, and is alive.
 It's so fun and rewarding to watch him grow and learn! What a blessing it is to be his Mommy :)

When E found an egg he shouted "A-Shaw!"
Why? The world may never know...

Family Picture
Bum in a bucket!

Ethan's Easter Basket had the Full Armor of God in it this year.

My soon to be sister in law, Jennifer, asked Mark's Mom and me to join her in dreaming up wedding flowers at the SF Flower Market/District.

I was super stoked to join since I'd never been!

Check out the succulent with jewel-like water drops.

Bride to be with a potential centerpiece.
Spoiler alert: She didn't pick this one for her big day!

Spring = Park Days!

Here are some pics of Ethan with one of his favorite friends, Nevaeh.

Random Spring Fun:

Daddy's Helper
Spa Time

Family Favorite...

We visited the California State Railroad Museum with Ethan for the first time.
Thanks to Auntie Lori, we used our Entertainment Book coupons for BOGO admission. Ethan was free because he's under 5... so we had some cheap family fun!

Ethan hiding under his hat from the parking lot to the shops...

Out from hiding...

Playing with "twains"

Happy Spring everyone!!


  1. Busy Moms should hire you to journal about their children!! Lucky Ethan! Loved the photos,
    "Grandma" Mary

    1. I'm lucky to get my pictures in when I can! If you've noticed, my blog posts run 2-3 months behind the actual memory making date :)

    2. I'm lucky to get my pictures in when I can! If you've noticed, my blog posts run 2-3 months behind the actual memory making date :)
