Monday, August 22, 2011

Play Dates are for Chasing...

On Friday, Ethan and I met up with my friend, Ashley, and her little guy, Tyler, at the Promontory Playgrounds and "Sprayground". Our boys are about 7 months apart and we've been wanting to get together and have some time to talk/hang out while the boys have fun at the park.

The experience was not quite as I imagined it!

First off, let's just say that her little Ty-Ty isn't walking yet. He was happy to sit and play with bark or pull himself up on the slide while my precious "angel" would rather run around the play ground like a chicken with his head cut off... no exaggeration!

Hence the title of this post, Play Dates are for Chasing... not socializing!
It was a nice thought though...

Here are some pics of our morning at the park:

Ashley and Tyler
The friends we were supposed to play with!

"Bee Bee!"
*Beep Beep!*

Sprayground fun!

A rainbow in a rainbow

Enjoying the mist

Drinking the icky recycled water... *sigh*

Going "Uh! Uh!" the hill

Ashley and Tyler are no where in sight

Rolling down like the other big boys...

Sharing the tire swing with 2 boys...
Ethan promptly began socializing by screaming "Ahhhhhh!"
Apparently it was the right reaction because the other 2 boys joined in and the whole playground could hear the fun...

God bless mothers with multiple boys... especially twin boys!

Oh what fun it is to chase a little boy!

This is exactly why I never want to work out during his naps! More cardio? No thanks!

At the end of the day, when Mark and I finally put our little man down, we both cherish the few hours we have alone and celebrate them because we can't help but feel in those last few hours that... finally, we won!

Maybe we should invest in a treadmill? Just imagine the naps!!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Haha... we still had fun though Ethan was a busy little guy! Sooner than later they will be chasing each other around, then we will be able to sit and talk, right?? Let's be hopeful! ;)
