Friday, April 19, 2013

Ethan is THRE3!

As of February 8th, 2013 our sweet, baby boy is 3! 

Everyday I have the privilege to spend with Ethan, I get to know more and more about this little boy God created and blessed us with. 

If I could use one word to describe Ethan today, it would be JOY. 
He has it all: joy, zeal, imagination, energy...
He is truly a bright, beaming light... not a silent light... but shiny none-the-less!

Since I discovered I was pregnant with this little man, I've prayed everyday for him.
Among the laundry list of prayers I have for my two boys, for this one in particular, I've prayed that he would be a bright light for Jesus and he'd have a huge heart for God.
I can say with a grateful heart that Ethan is the light of our lives (and a few others ;)) and his heart is BIG.

Here's an update on Ethan Mark's Favorite Things:

Foods: noodles, tofu, chicken nuggets and french fries, BBQ meat, broccoli, frozen peas, edamame, popsicles, popcorn, lollipops.
Drink: Hot chocolate milk and sharing Daddy's smoothies at Jamba Juice and strawberry lemonades at restaurants.
Phrase: "You're kidding me, Mommy! You're just tricking me!!" and "Why?"
Toy: swords and bow & arrows
Friends: Emma, Ollie, & Nevaeh.... but cousins are always something to squeal about!
Movie: Robin Hood, Robin Good, Peter Pan, and most recently Toy Story
Pass Time: Sword Fighting, Wrestling Daddy, Chasing, Tickling...
Book: Children's Bible

He loves his "Gommas and Papas" more than anything. He is still a little fish and after several swim lessons can jump in the water and swim to the "island" or back to the wall. Ethan rides tricycles and scooters... builds castles and of course, knocks them down.  He isn't interested in crafts in the slightest but loves anything musical. He has greatly improved at circle time and sitting on a "polka-dot" in a group at church. Ethan is very social and loves kids and babies. He was potty trained for 2 months at 2.5 years then insisted on staying in diapers. 

E knows all his sounds and a few blends. Reading hasn't clicked yet... but we keep trying whenever I find the rare opportunity of interest. His asthma was better this year - Praise God! - and he can even hold his own mask for the nebulizer. His imagination is vivid. I often hear him creating stories and plots... many times involving Ham Giants, Fire Breathing Dragons, and Monsters. He is quite skilled at the bow and arrow and is brilliant at exposing his Daddy as a "softie". 

He loves "Family Noodle Nights" (at Mongolian BBQ) and "Family Pizza Nights". He asks "Why?" and "What?" far too much and still snuggles up to us... never enough. His fears have grown this year and is currently taking up residence in our room, in a toddler bed, because he gets scared at night. His hair is wild in the mornings and his heart is always full. 

He started picking his Mommy flowers and calling me a princess. Daddy is his "best friend ever" and still gets a running, leap-into-your arms welcome home hug each night. Daddy tucks E into bed and reads him "just one more" Bible story each night. 

E starts several words with an initial /g/. For example:
Ganana for Banana
Mr. Gatato Head
Gavaeh for his friend Nevaeh
Gatend for Pretend

When I ask him what he wants to be when he grows up, he says "a Daddy."

We treasure our long weekend getaways to Disneyland where Ethan's favorite rides are Pirates of the Caribbean and the "Dinosaur Twain Wide" (Train that circles the park). He is becoming a skinny little thing but a good eater. 

I could go on... and I already have in his Birthday Journal Entry. Longest entry yet! I guess the longer I love him, the more I have to say... 

But I must stop somewhere.

For Ethan's 3rd Birthday, he chose a Thomas the Train theme at Bouncetown in El Dorado Hills.

Here are some snapshots of the party taken by my beautiful friend, Jen. 
She's slightly embarrassed with the way these pics came out (I'm thrilled!) because of the lighting.
Please check out her blog for AMAZING pictures here.
While you're at it, LIKE her Facebook page too!

Thank you, Jen! You have a gift, my friend!!


A few of the party animals...
(I just love the cousin love in the lower right)

Bounce One, Bounce All!


Group Photo


Cake time!

We love you sweet boy!
You have blessed our lives beyond the beyond!
Here's to another year packed with JOY, love, and adventure!

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