Finally chased him down and put it on!
Mommy was an angel...
and Daddy was a Dentist. See how scary they are?!
We went trick-or-treating around the neighborhood in his little car that we take our daily afternoon walks in. He loved seeing all the kids in their costumes... and there were many! Side note - I absolutely love our neighborhood! The community is really close and it is littered with young families! Lots of play mates and play dates ;)
The entourage (before it grew)...
My Daddy - the Cowboy
In addition to our first time trick-or-treating, we threw our first party in the new house... Halloween Party for the adults :)!
It was a costume party, of course!, and it started by taking the kiddos out. Here are some of our friends in costume:
Emma the Kitty Cat and her Mommy Jen the Greek Goddess
Christina the Devil... she brought her own hottness, her fiance` Marc
The Devil wears Jessica Simpson
Greek Goddess, Kitty Cat, and hubby/daddy/JJ/Mr. Incredible
Uncle Marc, Auntie Christina, and Ethan the Monkey Boy
Our neighbors put together a haunted house. Ethan and his Auntie are greeted by a Wizard before going in!
Ethan taking Auntie for a walk
Opposites attract and no, we didn't plan it!
They came as love birds? Scott and Jennifer
Tree and Tree lover - Curt and Jenna
Grandma Sally- Witch, Ashley & Mike - Iron Chefs, and their secret ingredient - Tyler
Dan and Gina - Ballers, naturally!
Let the party begin!
Halloween/Fall Charades
The cuties played together and crawled around... but unfortunately for Ethan...
Emma can get up and walk away :)
Emma played peek-a-BOO!
Check out her Grandma's socks!
The Moms were beyond amazing! I couldn't have done any of it without them... they handed out candy, made sure dinner was ready, fed Ethan, put him to bed...
"Young Marrieds" 2010
Who knows... this could be an annual thing :)
Love your pics! That first one of Ethan is priceless. I stole a bunch of them and they might make a reappearance on my blog :) And I think this should be an annual thing! Save the decorations! :)