Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Ethan is 2!

Our sweet, baby boy is 2!

It really seems like once Ethan turned 1, the year flew by!

I wonder why that is... 
Maybe it's partly because E flies/runs everywhere (on his chubby little toes, laughing and squealing all the while) and therefore I too am "flying" after him.

Maybe it's because he is - at times - more fun than he is work. A walking (usually running), talking person is more FUN to interact with than a baby blob... cute as he was!

Or. Maybe. It's because we sleep more in our house and so, time really does fly more restfully!

Here is our Ethan Boy when he was a week old:

{The beautiful newborn pictures were taken by a very talented girlfriend of mine, Megan Squires}

Now look at the boy!

I should be better at recording milestones... bad Mommy!
So I'll start today, with as much as I can remember!!

I bought a journal and wrote in it before Ethan was born. Each year on Ethan's birthday, Mark and I write in it so that one day, Ethan will have a collection of letters from his Mommy and Daddy for each year of his life. 
I think he'll really appreciate this once he has kids of his own!
Maybe this year I will incorporate his milestones up until his 2nd birthday...
Oh memory, don't fail me now!...

Ethan was born on Monday, February 8, 2010.
His expected due date was on his cousin Hannah's birthday, February 17th.

6lbs 14 oz
20" long

He did not come out pink and screaming but kind of a grayish color with his umbilical cord wrapped around his neck. Dr. Phelan quickly snipped the cord (in fact, I never knew of this until much later!).

The first peak I got of his little, grumpy face... I was in love!
Of course I questioned why he wasn't screaming... it took a few seconds and then Mark and I heard the sweetest baby cry ever! Love, love, love!!
We both were so overwhelmed with joy, we cried.

Here is our sweet boy, color starting to come back!

Ethan never liked being confined or bundled up. He always liked to sprawl out... 

Ethan has always been a good eater and sleeper. 
In the middle of the night, he would only wake to eat and then it was right back to sleep!
To this day he plays hard and sleeps hard.

Once when Ethan was just under a year old, our fire alarm went off in the house and Ethan slept soundly through his nap. I would have been concerned for his hearing except I could tell at a very early age that he had excellent hearing... and he still does!

On the subject of sleep, E slept 8 hours at 3 months and then 12 hours at 5 months.
Ethan slept in our bedroom until he was 3 months old in his bassinet. 

Ethan smiled at 6 weeks.
Sat up independently at 5 months.
Ethan's first solid food was avocado at 6 months.
Rolled over at 7 months.
Ethan's first babysitter was Bethany and she first watched him at 7 months.
Crawled at 8 months.
Ethan got his first tooth at 10 months.
Allllmost walked at 10 months but took his first trip to the hospital and spent 4 nights there due to breathing issues.
He officially walked at 11 months
Started running at one year...

His first day trip was to the Jelly Belly Factory at 6 weeks old with Grandma and Grandpa Young, Uncle Scotty, and his soon-to-be Auntie Jennifer (we still call her Auntie though).

This was also the day of his first blow out diaper ;)

His first vacation was when he was 4 months old. Grandma and Grandpa Wager came with us to Kauai.

(I picked this group picture because it captured your nappy nature)

On this trip, all of us rode a helicopter for the first time...

His first word was "dada" but can't remember when he said it!
Ethan was a late talker... but by 16 months I have recorded that he could say:
Om-Pa/PaPa (Grandpa)
Eys (Keys)
Gog/Dah (Dog)
Hahhh (Hot)
Haah (Hat)
MoMo/Mo (More)
Nana (Banana)
Baw (Ball)
Orse (Horse)
Cah (Car)
Hi (Hi)

Hope that makes up for it!

He started using a fork at 16 months and at the same time could clap, bow, run in place, stomp, kick, splash on command.

At 20 months Ethan started to swing on the big kid swing by himself and displayed phonemic awareness for /t/ and /a/

By 23 months, Ethan knows all his sounds and can identify almost all his letters by their sound.
He speaks in mainly 2-3 word sentences
Some of his favorites are:
"Pirates coming!"
"Mommy's here."
"Daddy's home"

 although just before nap time today he said "love you so much".

He is just now taking an interest in books and I think it's mainly because he likes pointing out the letters to Mama. 

Every night after Daddy says a prayer with us, we rock, read a few books, and then I sing him any of the following songs 
(most of the time, I sing them all):

Dragon Tales (God Speed by the Dixie Chicks)
How Long Do You Wanna Be Loved (Dixie Chicks)
I'll Love You Forever
Be Strong in the Lord (The Words I would say)
Micah 6:8 (Courageous theme song hook)
The Lord's Prayer (not sung)

His Favorite TV shows are: 
The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything
Queen Esther
Duke and the Pie War (new favorite)

Leap Frog Letters Factory

Thomas the Train is a new hit
Or as Ethan calls him, "Thomaf"

He watches way too much TV, especially when he's taking his breathing treatments. 

He loves his buddy, Emma and adores his cousins Andrew, Hannah, and Titus.
He loves going to church to "see the kids and learn about Jesus" as we explain to him every time.

Emma is Ethan's first buddy and she is still his favorite!

Cousin Love :)

When Ethan is really excited, he runs in circles.

He still isn't too hot on babysitters but looooves his Grandmas and Grandpas.

Everything is plural:
Gammas (Grandma)

He is part fish and loves everything about the water.
He loves to splash, go under, blow bubbles, "swim", jump in it...
He is fearless (and Mama is fearful!)

He is persistent when working on a task... sometimes frustrated but never gives up.

He is a fantastic climber and thrill seeker  (much to his Daddy's delight)

He has become a sweet little snuggler this second year (to Mommy's delight)

At Age 2 he is our traveling buddy!

So far, you have been to:

Kauai (4 Months Old)

Tent Camping at Big Basin twice (6 months and 18 months)

Grandma and Grandpa Wager's Cabin twice (7 months and 19 months)

Hilton Head and Georgia (16 months)

Seascape/Aptos twice (5 Months and 17 Months)

Disneyland twice (17 Months and 20 Months. Free until 3!)

Cabo San Lucas (23 months... that's right!... still eligible for a free flight!)
First time being a Ring Bearer for Auntie Christina

Ethan's favorite foods are oatmeal, blueberries, macaroni and cheese, broccoli, pizza, ham, peas, popsicles, jamba juice, and of course... chicken nugget happy meals at McDonalds :)

If I could choose one photo that best describes our boy... this would be it.
Happy, active, heroic, playful, and interactive.

Ethan loves to race Mommy, tackle Daddy, dance - dance - dance, sing, jump, and sword fight with anyone who is willing.

Ethan is full of life, curiosity, and love.
He is thoughtful and spontaneous.
But above all else, he is ALL BOY!

Happy Birthday, Ethan Mark!
We love you very, very much!!