Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The 4th and the 40th... Celebrating God's Goodness

The 4th was a duel celebration this year.

Independence Day AND my Mom and Dad's 40th Anniversary (on the 2nd).

We started celebrating on July 3rd at the Town Center in EDH.
I claimed the last possible available real estate at 11am. I couldn't believe it was packed already!
I saved our space with a blue blanket right in front of Yogaberry.

At 6pm, we revisited the spot, picked up some Pete's Pizza, and waiting for "Gammas and Papas" to come. Mom and Dad met us at the blue blanket with some food from Sellands... and then, we waited.

Here are some things we did while we waited...

Blowing bubbles and stealing kisses
(love Mark's reaction to the bubbles)

We played Frankencelery.
Frankencelery is a character from the Veggietales episode of "Where's God When I'm S-s-scared?"
Unfortunately, in our house it's served opposite of it's purpose.
Ethan developed a fear.
A fear of Frankencelery.

Because of that, my Mom, took on the challenge of helping E overcome his fear.
With humor of course!
The first time she attempted to challenge his fear, his reaction was something like this:

Now it's become one of his favorite games.

Way to go "Gammas"
{Thank you!}

Here they are playing Frankencelery while waiting for the fireworks

And here is Frankencelery...

I made 4th of July treats... compliments of pinterest...

Grandpa got Ethan some glow necklaces to play with...

Then came the show!

The next day was the 4th and as goes tradition in our neighborhood, there was a parade. 
Our house is the starting point... all the kids dress up their bikes, wagons, etc. and stroll the streets ending up at the park for a BBQ.

Ethan participated for the first time this year.

Grandma, Grandpa, and Uncle Ryan came too!

Fun, Fun, Fun!

Cute painted face pretending to nap (don't toy with me, boy!)

He did actually nap... and while he did, Mom and I snuck off to Kirklands to shop their 4th of July sale and grab some Starbucks... LET FREEDOM RING! Just kidding. (only slightly)

When we got back, Grandpa was reading the Bible to his grandson.

That night we grilled a fabulous dinner in honor of Mom and Dad's 40th Anniversary.
We ended with a cake. 
Red Velvet... because tradition says 50th is golden and 40th is Rubies!

Ry and I ordered a cake from Nugget and decked it out with all things red...

We got goofy with it... because that's what we do.
Can't go 40 years without a little humor!

Happy 40 Years to my amazing parents!

Your devotion to each other and our family speaks louder than words.
Of all the things, staying husband and wife as our Mommy and Daddy is the best gift you could ever give us... and to each other.

In a world of broken promises, cheap words, and divorce... your love is real.

In my (almost) 30 years, I've seen real comfort, support, and sacrifice.
Real struggle, patience, and compromise.
Real playfulness, excitement, and joy.

They don't take each other too seriously and on many occasions laugh until they cry.
They stand together and for each other.

My mom truly believes that my dad is one of the smartest, loving, and most grounded men in the world.
My dad truly believes my mom is one of the most generous, thoughtful, cutest women in the world.

As you can imagine, that in turn only gives me love, confidence, and inspiration.

Here's to 40 more years!!
I love you two so, so much!

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